Step By Stapp Podcast

Step by Stapp 26 : Podcast Hecklers



Frank Lambert (Patrick Duffy (The Duff)) gets jealous after his daughter won't shut up about how cool her friend's dad is. He does what any father would do in this situation and challenges the other dad to a Velcro wall jumping contest. Turns out the new Scott Stapp / Art of Anarchy single "The Madness" is about this very season 2 episode. What are the odds? Plus, we discuss a couple of podcast haters who dedicated an entire episode of their show to bashing our show. We talk about their criticisms of us (example: we suck) and discuss our feelings after these meanies were mean to us. We also get a rare mid-show call from Blank Check superfan Martii, who gives us his own unfiltered reviews of both podcasts.