What's Up With The Woo?

In Your Eyes: Sacral/Third Eye Meditation



This meditation has us observe and embody our younger selves. I've labeled this meditation a "Sacral/Third Eye" meditation because of the work we do in observing ourselves in an open feeling state. Our Sacral and Third Eye Chakras mirror each other. We process raw emotion and raw "knowing" through these chakras as we walk through the world around us.  As we grow into adults, we mask, dismiss, or even bury these feelings. Think about a time when you met someone for the first time and had a "bad" feeling. Did you dismiss it? Did you put it in the back of your mind as "silly" or "irrelevant"? The raw emotions or feelings that are processed in these chakras assist us in discernment and choice. If we mask them, we limit our ability to fully utilize our intuition. Watch your younger self move through their day, open and connected. Then walk again as a child and bridge to these deeper sense of awareness for yourself.  Ambient sounds: children playing, light music and birds.  --- Send in a voice me