This Movie's About You

Episode 78 - James ED Stewart



Yes we have James Stewart on This Movie’s About You. And no, it’s not some kind of digital wizardry that has taken known Jame Stewart clips and cleverly rearranged them so it sounds like we’re having an actual conversation. That’s a different James Stewart. This is the real, still very much with us, highly active in the Canadian film industry, king of 3-D technology, James Stewart. I’ve known James for many upon many years, so having him as a guest on the show is a no brainer. What did make it a tough go was getting James at the right time when he wasn’t busy working on his film, FOXED!, making a living by providing his clients with the best 3-D technology has to offer, and giving TED talks. The movie’s he choses aren’t 3-D - but they rightfully should be.