Arete Podcast With Richard Triggs

106 - Adam Houlahan Interview - Building The Presence Of Business Executives With LinkedIn



Trying to keep up with the technology of the modern world can be difficult, especially as it becomes more and more vital to the success of any business. Being social media savvy doesn’t come naturally to most CEOs and business executives, but should it be taken more seriously when trying to build your presence? In this episode I talk all things LinkedIn with Adam Houlahan, Social Media Strategist and Consultant, who shares his secret sauce for bolstering the social media presence of executives worldwide. Adam’s days of social media consulting began while he was working in the retail industry. He has since gone on to be an Amazon Best Selling Author of social media books and runs a team of over 20, teaching business owners, CEOs and executives to leverage social media. While the company covers all social media platforms, it predominantly focuses on LinkedIn. The team develops LinkedIn strategies for lead generation, for CEOs and executives to have a high level presence on the platform and for businesses t