Arete Podcast With Richard Triggs

124- How To Win The War For Talent: Building Your Personal Brand As An Executive



Competition in the workspace is high nowadays, so career development is no longer just about doing a great job, whatever your role. If you want to get access to the best opportunities, you need to show you are doing more than competently executing your responsibilities. As a result, building a personal brand is becoming more prevalent. How you come across in the marketplace can make all the difference to your professional development. In this episode, Brett Jarman from Experts on Air (the producers of the Arete Executive Podcast) and I discussed the subject in detail. Episode highlights: Programs and people who can help you build your personal brand - Key Person of Influence (Dent Global), Suzie Lightfoot and Brett Jarman The younger generation pay more attention to their brand Should you have a website or be present on social media? Start small and work your way up - speak at a conference, write an article or join an industry board Every job has an element of sales so sell yourself The power of LinkedI