Arete Podcast With Richard Triggs

147 - Bridging Strategy and Culture to Manage Change, With Don McKenzie



If you crack change management then you’ve cracked a key component of business, so it was great to talk to Don McKenzie from the Adizes Institute about their methodology for collaborative leadership and the importance of understanding which part of the lifecycle a business is in. Don is the MD of the Adizes Australia operation and an active member of the global executive team, having previously built up his own businesses to achieve some amazing results. He also knows what it’s like to get stuck with a business at the wrong time of the lifecycle, so he shares some valuable lessons with us about how to do it and how not to do it. If you’re interested in learning about some of the nuances that often get ignored when people talk about leadership and change in business, then listen up on the Arete Podcast here! In this episode you will learn: -The underlying organisational challenges of a global business -The ‘recrimination phase’ explained -The works of Dr Adizes Ichak -How to systemise process and make co