Don't Salt My Game | With Laura Thomas, Phd

EP69 - How to Have a Non-Diet Holiday Season w/ Fiona Sutherland of The Mindful Dietitian



In the final episode of 2017, we're talking to the sensational Fiona Sutherland, non-diet dietitian & yoga teacher, about how to navigate the holidays around food, body image, and diet chat. We discuss everything from how to cope with food guilt & anxiety, to how to stop food FOMO, breaking the binge/restrict cycle, and how to deal with diet chat and the food police. This is probably my favourite episode of the whole year; Fiona is a total babe, so warm and compassionate but doesn't take any crap. Exactly our kind of people. I really think you're going to love this episode.  SHOW SPONSOR This episode is Sponsored by the London Centre for Intuitive Eating - This Christmas give the gift of a healthy relationship to food with a gift certificate to my Food Fight programme. 10% of each course sold will be donated to Help Refugees.  Show Notes {Body Positive Australia | Facebook}  {Fiona on Twitter | Instagram} {The Mindful Dietitian} {Yoga Body Image Coalition}  {Yoga & Body Image} {Australian Kelpie}