Don't Salt My Game | With Laura Thomas, Phd

EP 104 - How Intuitive Eating Helped Me Find Peace with My Body During Pregnancy w/ Kirstin Kade



This week on the pod Laura's speaking to Kirstin Kade, Registered Associate Nutritionist and author of Taste and See Blog. As a mum-to-be, she has become more interested in the area of women's health in recent months - particularly relating to the pre-pregnancy (fertility), pregnancy, and postnatal periods - and hopes to support and encourage others who are curious about or navigating their way through these things themselves.  In this episode they discuss: ✨ How Kirstin's own relationship with food  has evolved through finding Intuitive Eating to finding peace with food and her body and how pregnancy has affected this ✨ How to apply the principles of Intuitive Eating during pregnancy, particularly when navigating sickness, nausea + cravings ✨ How to manage (hopefully well-meaning) but unhelpful comments from others ✨ The effect that pregnancy and motherhood can have on body image + how to navigate this ✨  Show Notes {SIGN UP TO OUR RAISING INTUITIVE EATERS ONLINE COURSE} {BUY MY BOOK!! on Amazon | Waterstone