Don't Salt My Game | With Laura Thomas, Phd

EP 110 - Elyse Resch - Intuitive Eating + Eating Disorder Recovery For the Teenager in All of Us



I'm so excited to have Elyse Resch join us on this week's episode! Elyse is the co-author of Intuitive Eating and the Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens. She's a highly experienced Registered Dietitan specialising in intuitive eating, eating disorders and Health at Every Size. In this fully loaded 'sode we talk about: ✨ How to talk to teens about Intuitive Eating  ✨ Why it's important for adults to do their own work on body image and intuitive eating and connect with their rebellious inner teenager ✨How to integrate IE into eating disorder recovery ✨Why autonomy is essential for good IE counselling ✨How to explain diet culture and weight stigma to teens ✨How the fear of weight gain might mask the fear of growing up ✨How to talk to parents and teachers about intuitive eating This episode is sponsored by Raising Intuitive Eaters, our online course for parents and carers who want to raise kids who have a healthy and happy relationship with food and their body. {Get my book!! on Amazon | Waterstones | Foyles – I