Don't Salt My Game | With Laura Thomas, Phd

Ep 116 - Where the F have you been? - A quick catch up with Laura



HEY-OH – it’s been a minute – a short episode catching you up on where the F I’ve been for the past 6 months, what’s been going on, and what you can expect from DSMG and London Centre for Intuitive Eating in the near future. Plus all the details for the next (mini) season of DSMG.   Show Notes: {Follow me on Bub Appétit} {Our Intuitive Eating & Weight Inclusive Guides to PCOS, IBS and more} {Book in for a 1-off session with a Nutrition Counsellor} {Book in for a discovery call to learn how we can help you} {Sign up to our Raising Intuitive Eaters Course} {Sign up to our Just Eat It; Your Intuitive Eating Toolkit course} {Sign up for our newsletter} {Follow us on Insta!}