Voice Of Influence

101: Four Imperatives for Successful Managers with Ron Carucci



Ron Carruci is a co-founder and managing partner at Navalent where he works with CEO’s and executives who are pursuing transformational change for their organizations, leaders, and industries. Ron has a thirty-year track record helping some of the world’s most influential executives tackle challenges of strategy, organization, and leadership. He has been featured in many business publications including The Harvard Business Review and Forbes. In this episode, Ron shares what first got him interested in topics like influence and leadership, the shocking statistic of how many people aiming for leadership positions fail within the first 18 months, the four traits his study revealed that all people who succeeded in becoming influential leaders in their organizations had in common, what his research showed about the connection between honesty and being an influential leader, how his company helps organizations diagnose and correct the issues within them, and more! Learn about how our Team Performance System and Per