Voice Of Influence

120: How to Create a Stigma- Free Workplace with Mettie Spiess



Mettie Spiess is a global workplace mental health expert who is a Nationally Certified Health Coach and the Founder of A World Without Suicide.  Twenty industries across seven countries have successfully utilized her process to proactively support employee mental well-being, reduce turnover, and increase team productivity. In fact, in 2016, the National Alliance on Mental Illness awarded Mettie the Education Advancement Award for her work to end the stigma associated with mental illness. In this episode, Mettie discusses the devastating personal reasons behind why she started her company, the signs that your light is starting to dim, how she’s handled the complex emotions that come with being a suicide loss survivor, how to know when it’s time to seek the help of others and how to go about doing that, her advice for starting a conversation with someone in your life that might be struggling, why companies should open up mental health conversations even if they might be afraid of potential liability issues, why