Voice Of Influence

131: Getting Published as a Subject Matter Expert with Chad R. Allen



Are you one of those people that really believes you have a book in you? Or maybe you've written a book already. Perhaps you self-published and now you're thinking to yourself, “You know, I really think that I need to get published next time by a traditional publisher. I'd like a book deal.” Well, today's episode with Chad R. Allen is right up your alley. Chad is a writing coach and the founder of Book Proposal Academy and Book Camp who’s been on the podcast before. And today, we are going to talk about a lot of things that you can really relate to if you're a subject matter expert. In this episode, Chad shares the three ingredients of publishing success, the importance of building a platform before you submit any proposals, how many people he recommends having on your email list by the time you send out proposals, his thoughts on ghostwriters and whether or not they work for subject matter experts, at point in the process you should start looking for an agent, the basic components of a book proposal, the val