Impact Makers Podcast With Jennifer Mcclure

057: How to Live Hard, Embrace the Future, and Create Success With Dr. Todd Dewett



I’m excited to share my conversation with Dr. Todd Dewett in Episode 57 of the Impact Makers Podcast. I met Dr. Dewett several years ago, when I was just getting my start as a professional speaker, and we both shared the stage at a regional conference.    At that time, he was a successful university professor teaching leadership and innovation to MBA students - but he didn’t look or sound like most of the professors that I’d come across in my academic career. Big, tall, bald, and covered in tattoos had never greeted me when I walked into a classroom in school.    So, of course I was intrigued to hear what this guy had to say about leadership, and I was not disappointed. With a fresh perspective, an authentic message, and some great stories, he captivated the audience, and inspired people to be bold, and think differently.    Since that time, we’ve become friends, and I’ve continued to learn from him over the years as he wrote books, left the academic world to pursue a career as a full-time speaker, and became