Pinks Boutique Podcast With Kirstie & Luke Sherriff

Your Baby Needs a Skincare Regime. Learn Why and How | Skin Truth



When babies are born their skin is 5 times thinner than ours. They haven’t been exposed to any synthetic chemicals and they’ve only experienced life in this perfect balance of amniotic fluid inside their mother’s tummy. It’s safe to say that they are the ultimate organic/ natural skincare consumer considering that they haven’t experienced any unnatural and synthetic chemicals yet. In this podcast you’ll learn exactly why it’s important to start your baby skincare routine as early as a new born and how you can do it in an non-aggressive way, using only natural and organic products, just like when they were in your tummy. Nothing But The Truth. Pinks Boutique is an award winning, eco luxe skincare line used by professionals. Our mission is to create the world’s very best organic, vegan friendly skincare and treatments. Our complete range can be used in spas and at home. We believe in telling the truth; no green washing, just therapist endorsed, certified organic products and brilliant expert advice that equips