Pinks Boutique Podcast With Kirstie & Luke Sherriff




Brush cleansers are generally expensive and if you analyze them they aren’t the best option for your skin. A good replacement for it are cheap, reusable, cleaner and gentler: Cloths Yes! I am asking you to consider ditching your super popular and very hyped gadget for something so easy and simple such as washcloths. Shall I get to what really matters and tell you why washcloths are better? Alright. If you constantly over brush your skin you can unbalance its pH level. Any brush cleanser (this is not a trait specific of Clarisonic's) that has bristles are hard to sanitize and sterilize even when cleaned often. There’s always a high chance of that even after cleansing the heads there’s still bacteria living on the bristles and that’ll go to your skin. A washcloth, on the other hand, can be easily thrown in the washing machine and be washed with super hot water which will clean it fully and be safe for the next use. Lastly, washcloths are way cheaper. At Pinks Boutique, we retail muslin cloths for £3 each. Even