Whoa Podcast About Horses Horsemanship

Barefoot Horse Trimming with Craig Morley



Barefoot Horse Trimming with Craig Morley I heard some people call barefoot horse trimming natural hoof care.  A quick search on Wikipedia says there is early evidence of mule shoes in Rome as far back as 400 BC.  Now you would think in 2,000 years of equine husbandry, we would have figured out what is best for the horse's foot.  I'm not sure we have.  If you ask two different farriers and a veterinarian the best way to trim a hoof, I would not be surprised if they came up with four different answers.  It's like politics or religion.  There are a lot of opinions about barefoot horse trimming out there. When I ran into a riding friend I had not seen in a while, he told me he had been studying barefoot horse trimming.  Perfect, here was someone I could talk to openly and honestly about the subject.  We sat down between the row of horse stalls at the stable he boards his horses.  We began with his attraction to the business, then discovered the key points of interest to him, and discovered a few tips about bare