Newtcast: A Harry Potter Podcast

Episode 2: Fireworks and the Cursed Child



Mallory and Alexis discuss the themes and relationships of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child and how the plays handled our golden trio. It's all spoilers! Paternal Love: how Harry's father figure(s) influenced his own parenting model and what he comes to learn about himself and his son; Scorpius and Draco's closed off relationship, how young Scorpius mirrors young Harry The "platonic" relationship between Albus and Scorpius, the importance of friends How romance is portrayed, especially within the trio but also a bit of Scorbus Cursed Child Harry is Book!Harry through and through Hermione: the good and the bad Ron: what the cuss and some good stuff too Next week will cover Albus and Scorpius and the rest of the cast (plus those who went missing!) in our next episode, along with parts of the story that present some challenges for fans of the original series.