Luchaworld Podcast

LuchaWorld Podcast Ep #27 (2/12/14)



We discuss the latest happenings in the world of lucha libre. Sin Cara's return to Mexico and how its turned up the rumor mill not just for him, but for CMLL's La Sombra. We also talk about the AAA women's division, Puma wrestling with a torn bicep, recent talent that has appeared in CMLL and some who have moved up the ladder, luchadores with day jobs, Kamaitachi, Rey de Reyes finalists and the surprise luchador in Group D, Canek vs. Don Corleone (which leads to some Tony Rocco talk), Super Porky's death wish, fans cheering near-death and death announcements, as well as old wrestling books & magazines, hating Eric Embry in 1987 and then doing a 180-turn on him a year later, and Kurt's trip to a SantinoBros. Wrestling show. Fun show. The show can be downloaded via iTunes & Stitcher Radio. (2/12/14) Get all the lucha libre news at!