Luchaworld Podcast

LuchaWorld Podcast Ep #30 (6/15/14)



We're back! Live from Walnut Kills, California!Kurt and Fredo are back! We talk about our trip to Las Vegas for the annual Cauliflower Alley Club Reunion which included us doing 2 podcasts that week. First Podcast, we were guests of the Wrestling Viewpoint Network with Ken Napzok and "Lethal" Logan X and we discussed a variety of topics including the CACReunion, lucha libre, how luchaworld started, how Kurt and Fredo met, and our 3 favorite wrestlers! Be sure to bug Ken about not knowing of El Dandy! We talk about the Las Vegas trip and how Kurt spent more time not at any events and Kurt making Nick Bockwinkle uncomfortable! We have photographic proof via Dan Farren of this! We also attemped our own podcast, but we scrapped that to bring this 90-minute show! We also talk about a get-together at the Sombrero Taqueria in Huntington Park were Superboy and the rest of the Moro family were honored. That same evening, Fredo witnessed the most amazing thing ever as he saw KURT BROWN (a.k.a. Vandal Drummond, Lucky Pi