Luchaworld Podcast

LuchaWorld Podcast Ep #58 (6/2/16)



Kurt Brown (a.k.a. Vandal Drummond) and Alfredo Esparza talking the latest in lucha libre and other wacky stories going on in pro wrestling. We talk about the AAA Lucha Libre World Cup, the wacky TNA Hardys video, CMLL's Gran Prix returns after 8 years, Konnan's controversial Podcast BOOM, recent CMLL including Kurt's continued Puebla Fever as he recaps this past week's CMLL Puebla show, we talk about the last 2 weeks of Lucha Underground, WWE interest in CMLL luchadores, how certain departures would affect lucha libre, Does the CMLL Programming Department watch CMLL shows?, the CPLL Los Angeles show, Kurt talks about shows he was at were fans fought luchadores, meeting Los KKK I & II, plus so much more! Longest episode we've done for LuchaWorld. Over 2 hours!!! Get all the lucha libre news at!