Luchaworld Podcast

LuchaWorld Podcast Ep #65 (10/24/16)



LuchaWorld Podcast Episode #65 with a look back at the CMLL Universal Tournament, Volador Jr. vs. Valiente in Final on Dia de Muertos show, Dragon Lee not happy with brother Rush, Drone debuts & reveals his previous identity, CMLL Sabado Retro on Fox Deportes, AAA fires Jack Evans, Konnan talks Rey Fenix and shares a Joaquin Roldan thumbtack story, Caristico vs. L.A. Park cage match from Elite, Rey Escorpion looking great as a rudo in Elite, a wild trios match in Elite too and a recap of this past week's Lucha Underground show! 1 hour show! Be sure to check out all the latest news & visit our sponsors Design By Humans & via! Also subscribe & listen to the show via iTunes, stitcher, podbean, etc.! Thanks!