Luchaworld Podcast

Flashback: Dr. Lucha talks Rush & more (9/4/09)



Recorded on 9/4/09: Dr. Lucha joins Slammin' Stan Podcast & actually suggests CMLL team Rush & La Mascara. This is years before they teamed along with La Sombra to form Los Ingobernables. Except Dr. Lucha was joking given that CMLL when Rush first started would list his name as either "Rush" or "Rogue" and would pronounce it differently too. Dr. Lucha also is an easy grader and gives a positive star-rating to one of the worst matches of all-time & tells us he's seen worse. Be sure to sign-up, subscribe to get access to more podcasts at For our premium shows like Lucha Clasica, you can get those for $2.95 per month!