Luchaworld Podcast

LuchaWorld Podcast Ep. #97 (6/6/18)



LuchaWorld Podcast Ep. #97! This week we discuss the craziness going on South of the Border in CMLL and AAA with L.A. Park and Rey Fenix making appearances on CMLL and AAA events within a week. What's going on with Rey Fenix, L.A. Park and Pentagon Jr.? AAA announcing the Triplemania 26 Poker de Ases main event featuring Psycho Clown, Hijo del Fantasma, L.A. Park and Pentagon Jr. Some thoughts on CMLL's recent Friday shows featuring L.A. Park, Los Ingobernables & Angel de Oro vs. Cuatrero's title match. A recap of AAA's Verano de Escandalo which saw many debuts & returns including Jeff Jarrett. AAA and Lucha Elite together in some form. Dr. Wagner Jr. going independent after VdE show, plus Lady Maravilla & Zeuxis leaving CMLL. Lots to talk about. 80-minutes of non-stop lucha talk!  Be sure to check out for the Lucha Clasica Podcast! We have that podcast along with other exclusive content on there at $1, $3, or $5 monthly rewards. You can check out the first three episode