Dungens And Dragnos

Rabbit-Holing (w/ Cult Popture)



What up Dragnos. After a brief hiatus we are back and we are joined by AJ and Richard from Cult Popture! They help us design a new spell called "Rabbit-Holing" which has no real theme really. Cult Popture is a movies discussion podcast as well as a youtube channel with great video essays. Latest episode: https://play.acast.com/s/cult-popture/theherbieseries-filmfranchisefortnights Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK6njiZX5smBtdH4xiC2yWg  The last time Carlyle was on: https://play.acast.com/s/cult-popture/thebravelittletoastertrilogy-ft.carlylefromapodcastforeveryone-filmfranchisefortnights  If you wanna get in touch to feed us your suggestions or just say hi, you can find us @dragnospodcast on twitter and facebook or email dungensanddragnos@gmail.com. If you fancy supporting the show we have a patreon! www.patreon.com/dungensanddragnos