

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Ben Mandrell are joined by Tim Challies. Challies is a pastor, blogger, and book reviewer. He is also the author of Knowing and Enjoying God. They discuss learning how sorrow is a ministry and the decision to not pursue a large ministry. BEST QUOTES "God equips us for ministry in different ways and one of the ministries of the church is the ministry of sorrow.""If we can understand the hand of providence in it - whether God does things or whether God permits things - somehow God is involved in all the circumstances of our lives.""This is an assignment from God, I don't need to get hung up on the why it happened. I can just say this is what did happen and now I am going to take it as a gift of His grace, an assignment from His hand.""In the Christian world, there is intense pressure to grow.""I really want to be encouraging to people, to be able to continue to bring truth that will shore people up to face another day in a difficult wo