

In this episode of the 5 Leadership Questions podcast, Todd Adkins and Chandler Vannoy are joined by Will Heath. Heath has been working on the topic of succession for decades. He is also author of the book Embracing Succession. They discuss the following questions: Why is succession something you should prepare for now, not when you are about to transition?What can you do from a practical standpoint to redistribute the weight of succession?How should pastor manage conversations about succession?What decisions lead to a poor succession transition?What resources would you share?How can the successor step into the transition and follow a long-tenured pastor well? BEST QUOTES "To not lead and behave in a way that recognizes the seasons we are in as human beings is poor stewardship.""Another important aspect of how we steward is discerning the seasons that we as leaders are in and that our organizations are in.""One of the reasons we see failures in succession planning is because leaders don't redistribut