
Episode 129 – Feel Like You’re in A Professional Plateau? Ask Yourself These 3 Questions.



Stuck in a rut?  Feel like you are on a professional plateau and not sure where you are going?  Wonder if you are "traveling" on the right personal or professional path?  Do you have clarity on your goals? If you have or are asking yourself these questions, good.  That means you are human and you want grow and develop.  I mean, if you didn't have these questions, you would probably be okay with the rut and plateau. I am an overachieve and never satisfied with the status quo.  There are pros and cons to this mindset, but for now, I will stick to the pros.  I ask myself these questions all the time and I recently found a model to help me answer them.  I wrote about this model during my recent Career Tip "3 Simple Questions to Spur Personal and Professional Growth". Getting clarity on your goals, finding the right path to get there and identifying what must be done to accomplish your goals starts with asking yourself a question, "What does success look like for me?"  This is a general question of course.  Y