Unraveling Pink

Episode 8: This is Really Super Uncomfortable



This is the conversation we didn't want to have, guest Erin Rand and I. This is the conversation many women / femmes in senior and executive positions don't want to have. Yet, Erin was game to have it -- and share her view into the thoughts and conversations women in positions to make a difference have about gender diversity and bias. And, as we learned from Jon Hicks in Episode 6, conflict is good. So, we also jumped into a disagreement about whether there in fact in a causal link between diversity and more successful, profitable companies. To close us out, Erin issued our toughest challenge yet. One that has the ability to shift our society as a whole to a better place -- something we desperately need right now -- if we're willing to accept the challenge. Listen in, enjoy and let us know what you think about this episode!