Inside The Pylon Quick Kicks Podcast

Quick Kicks March 3, 2016 - w/ Jason Fitzgerald on Free Agency and NFL Salary Cap



Despite our focus on the NFL Draft, the more immediate priority for NFL teams is free agency, which kicks off next week. Host Chuck Zodda and Mark Schofield are joined by Jason Fitzgerald from Over The Cap to help make sense of the free agency puzzle, as teams try to figure out how to best allocate financial resources to fill holes on their team prior to the draft. Topics this show include: -Jason's background and how he found his way into studying the NFL salary cap and his path to building Over The Cap to what it is today (1:35) -The concept of backloading free agent contracts and how it may often put off the inevitable for franchises, but eventually catches up to them as the dead money eventually becomes too much for a team to deal with in a given year (3:16) -With all of the issues associated with backloaded deals, the reasons why many teams are unable or unwilling to offer front-loaded deals (6:37) -Whether any of the recent moves by teams with the franchise tag were surprising this year (8:14) -Muhamma