Inside The Pylon Quick Kicks Podcast

Quick Kicks March 10, 2016 - Rule Changes to Improve the NFL Game Heading Into 2016



As the buzz from yesterday's free agent frenzy begins to fade and thoughts start to wander back to the NFL Draft, sometimes it is actually better to take the road less traveled. Chuck Zodda and Mark Schofield has the March 10 Quick Kicks Podcast, and rather than diving straight back into draft season, they take that magical detour. Where to? Rule changes the competition committee should consider heading into the 2016 season to make the game more exciting and put a better product on the field. Topics this show include: -An addition coming from rugby, where in addition to the longer extra point introduced during the 2015 season, teams kicking an extra point must kick from where they score on the field horizontally. This adds another wrinkle to the decision-making process as to whether or not to go for two in the event of a score to the corner of the end zone (1:57) -The ability to put a man in motion heading towards the line of scrimmage as opposed to just moving horizontally or away from the line of scrimmage