Humane Arts

Recommended Readings To Get Started In Philosophy



A selection of works that are accessible, important, and mind expanding. I chose these to help folks who find many of the 'classics' of philosophy unintelligible - think Kant and Heidegger. The works I mention and recommended translator: Ecce Homo by Nietzsche Kaufmann or Hollingsdale Meditation my Marcus Aurelius George Long Lives of Imminent Philosophers by Diogenes Laertius Charles Yonge Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy Van Norden and Ivanhoe Plato Symposium and Phaedrus Jowett Schopenhauer Essay and Aphorisms Penguin edition Plutarch's Essays Penguin Classics William James Pragmatism and Other Writings Penguin Descartes Discourse on Method and Other Writings Penguin