Practical Magic Podcast With Kate Taylor

Why you are deserving of a BIG BOLD BEAUTIFUL Life NOW



2020 is going to be a year of living in our full potential, a year of activation and a year of possibility, and I'm inviting you along for the ride, as we up-level to live a BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL LIFE. But, wait a minute, what if you want to harness to power of possibility, but you are hit with all the worries and doubts about, why me? How me? I don't know where to start? I'm just not ready yet? Well, lovely Practical Magic Podcast listener, I am here on the show today to share with you just why you are ready NOW, and why there really is no better time to start planning, living and rocking that BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL life right NOW. No more waiting until the 'perfect' moment exists, or all the things are in place. Our energy is about making it happen, regardless of whether you think you're ready or not (sidenote, none of us are ready, there is no perfect time, in fact, the most perfect of time is non-other than right now!) Enjoy listening, and do sign up to be the first to hear about the BIG, BOLD, BEAUTIFUL Mas