Practical Magic Podcast With Kate Taylor

Just what is this transformation shizzle all about anyway?



A #BigBoldBeautiful life requires a step up and into a transformative experience to get you out of stuck behaviours, of old holding patterns, and repetitive ways of acting which mean you go round in circles chasing your tail. On the show today, I'm talking about the idea of transformation and radical change. Transformation is radical change. And whilst the idea of radical change can be daunting, it can also be incredible exciting; an evolution, and evolving through transformative ways of living. Transformation to living a BIG life, where you no longer hold yourself back, or play small. Transformation to a BOLD life, one where you show up for ALL of it Transformation to BEAUTIFUL Life, one of your creation, purpose and passion. Transformation to make a POSITIVE IMPACT on the world. Most people will wait for transformation to come to them Most people will operate at 25% of what is available to them. Transformation requires you to step up, and step into what’s possible It requires you to go deep. It requires