Practical Magic Podcast With Kate Taylor

How to Create a Magical Morning Routine



How do you start your mornings?  Are you a pre-wee scroller heading over to Insta or Facebook to check in on what you might have missed over night? Do you dive headfirst into your emails before you've had chance to properly work out who you even are today? Maybe you catch up on the news before you've stepped foot out of bed.  How we start the day sets the tone for each and every day. The space we have each morning as we open our eyes is the most pliable time which creates the emotional and energetic preset for your day ahead. Waking up to something that's going to kick your fight or flight reactors into play is creating a day that starts with cortisol and adrenaline firing through your system, and builds up from that point on. Especially in these times of Coronavirus and lockdown, we are more susceptible to fear triggers from everywhere around us, and the more our fear triggers are activated, the more accumulate throughout the day and into your sleep. This causes something called allostatic load, which if lef