Online Genius Podcast

Ep 015: Gaining Visibility and Credibility Through Podcast Guesting with Nicole Holland



Piggybacking off last week’s show about starting your own podcast, today we’re going to talk about another great way to utilize podcasts: by appearing on them as a guest. This tactic was one of the first steps I ever took that really got me some visibility as an online entrepreneur, so I have seen the benefits of the approach firsthand. But don’t just take it from me—today’s guest expert is here to explain exactly why aspiring thought leaders should look into being a podcast guest. Recognized internationally as the authority on “Podcast Guesting,” Nicole Holland is also known as a Catalyst who generates creative, out-of-the-box solutions for her clients, colleagues, and friends. She was named in the Huffington Post as one of “50 Must-Follow Women Entrepreneurs in 2017,” rated “New & Noteworthy” by iTunes, and featured in publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, and the Huffington Post. In this episode, Nicole shares how appearing as a guest on podcasts can help you grow your audience, how to k