Online Genius Podcast

Ep 133: How To Pitch To Be A Guest The RIGHT Way



This episode really hits home because we’re going to talk about how to pitch yourself to podcasts the right way (in other words, the Certified BADA$$ way). Even if you’re not interested in doing podcasts, the same principles will apply any time you’re pitching yourself. I got inspired to talk about this because the other day I received a few podcast pitches at the same time, and one of them was so laughably bad that I was amused by it. I’m going to share that email with you and talk about the many reasons why it won’t lead to being a guest on my podcast or any other one. This is just the beginning of the bad pitches I’ve gotten. There are a few key concepts that you need to be thinking about when pitching yourself. The first is something that I always preach, and after laying that framework I go into some more aspects that your approach to this should include. My team and I have a process we go through when we’re looking for a podcast I can appear on, and it’s longer than you might think. I bring you through