Online Genius Podcast

Ep 135: Five Things To Stop Doing As An Entrepreneur



In this show, I’m going to give you permission to stop doing some things. When I talk to some online entrepreneurs, they are often overwhelmed by all the things they feel like they have to be doing. Listen in as I go through the five things that you need to stop doing if you want your business to grow. After, you’ll be able to stop doing the things that don’t matter and start doing the things that do. Much of the overwhelm that entrepreneurs are facing is from this constant noise from gurus that talk about some new program or new tactic. These “ninja tactics” are not what you need to be focusing on, but I’ll tell you what you really need to turn your attention to. Another place you can reduce your overwhelm is in your need to make things perfect. I give you my own examples when I knew things were not perfect, but I also knew they just needed to get out there. There are quite a few downfalls to having a perfection mindset, and I’ll let you know what they are. The final point I mention relates to all the other