Online Genius Podcast

Ep 148: Messaging During Coronavirus



Today we’re going to talk about how to message during the pandemic that we’re dealing with right now. I’ve heard a lot of entrepreneurs ask about this and say they’re not sure about what they’re doing, so I wanted to tackle it head on. My general take is that the best thing we can do, outside of following the advice of health professionals, is to keep on with our business. However, we can’t pretend it’s business as usual – we need to message the right way. There are a couple of things that you need to be thinking about in order to shift your messaging. I’ve already changed the way I send out my messages because of the virus, so I’ll point out some examples and tell you questions you need to be asking yourself. I have to bring the subject of the virus in without making it seem like I’ve come up with a “coronavirus special.” If you create a brand-new offer that’s just a money-making ploy, people will smell it. Still, we can’t pretend this pandemic isn’t happening and just ignore it. I’ve got some tips for you o