Online Genius Podcast

EP 182: It's Not Your Lead Magnet... It's The Messaging!



If you’re struggling in your business, it’s probably not what you think. I was inspired to do this episode because of a post in a FB group where someone was talking about needing to change her lead magnet because it wasn’t getting attention. When I saw this, I knew the problem wasn’t the lead magnet but her messaging. The first thing you have to do is get people’s attention. If you can’t get attention, it doesn’t matter how great your freebie or product is. If enough people aren’t seeing it, you can really know what the problem is. But how do you get attention? Not by being just like everyone else. The problem is that most entrepreneurs are not giving anyone a reason to pay attention to them. If you’re in a crowded space, then you need to set yourself apart from the crowd. Why should they listen to YOU? Until you have a good answer to that question, you’re going to struggle. “How to” content is cheap and available all over. How do you make them want to get the information from YOU? How do you get more eyeball