Online Genius Podcast

EP 184: Four Things I'm Thankful For This Year



Since it’s Thanksgiving week in the United States, I wanted to take the opportunity to show gratitude. This is going to be a different kind of holiday because of Covid. Normally we gather with extended family, but this year we’re celebrating with immediate family only.  This has been a difficult year, and it can be hard to talk about gratitude right now. At the same time, I realize that I have many reasons to be thankful. That’s why I want to share with you what I’m thankful for in my business, and I want to encourage you to do the same thing. I have many things I could be thankful for in my business, so I picked four big changes that have come about this year. If you’ve listened to some of my other recent podcast episodes, you’ve probably heard me hint at some of these shifts. But these four changes have made an otherwise difficult year more enjoyable. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN IN TODAY’S EPISODE: The four things that I’m grateful for in my business:  I truly found my voice and my message. That I launched my email