Online Genius Podcast

EP #188: Radical Giving Redux



In this episode, we’re talking about one of my favorite topics: radical giving. The concept of radical giving has been a central part of my business for three years, and it has made all the difference. Today we’ll break down what radical giving is. As a side note: radical giving is the motivation behind my newest initiative: BADA$$ Online Marketing University. The first course in the program is Online Marketing Foundations. We’ll be adding more courses throughout the year, so that you can get all the training you need in one place for FREE.  If you’ve been in my audience for a while, you’ve probably heard me talk about radical giving. So what is the concept of radical giving? Most people who teach about giving view it as something tactical. It’s something transactional or strategic. How much should you give away for free and what should be paid? That’s NOT what I’m talking about here. Radical giving is not a tactic you use so that you can get something back. It’s a different way of thinking about business. My