Online Genius Podcast

EP 189: So… THAT Year Happened



It’s the time of year when we make time for a retrospective. I’m calling today’s episode: So… THAT Year Happened. Today we’ll take a look at what happened this past year and what’s coming in the year ahead. Twenty-twenty will go down as a really weird year. It has been a very strange time. None of us could have anticipated what happened in the spring with Covid-19 and racial tensions. It felt like A Tale of Two Cities, “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” Despite the difficulties of 2020, I had my best year yet in business. But at the same time, this was a devastating year for many businesses, especially brick and mortar businesses. In the online space, some people had breakthrough years while others continued to struggle.  Basically, 2020 accelerated trends that were already happening. Many businesses discovered that people can work from home. Some big businesses have given up the old model of working in the office. People became more accepting of online learning. There is a downside to som