Online Genius Podcast

EP 191: The Serve-First Way: An Introduction



We’re starting a new series today called the serve-first way. It’s about approaching entrepreneurship with a priority of serving your audience. This first episode is the foundation for a different way of doing business, one that’s genuinely focused on serving. Let’s begin with why I’m passionate about the serve-first model. A few years ago, people began to notice that I do things differently. I was serving and giving instead of focused on getting. A lot of people talk about this in the online space, but often it’s just a way of differentiating ourselves from the lamborghini marketers. My views on serving in business come from watching my dad run a chain of drug stores in the 1980s and 1990s. His belief was that the customer is always right--no matter what. Of course, customers aren’t always “right,” but the customer is still the center of your business. Growing up I didn’t want to be a business owner. I wanted to be a professional. But little did I know that my dad’s values were rubbing off on me. I learned t