Online Genius Podcast

EP 195: The Serve-First Way: People Over Transactions



We’re continuing on our journey looking at the serve-first way. Today we’re talking about people over transactions. This is about honoring the people in our audience rather than thinking about them in terms of transactions or leads or numbers.  This particular topic was a challenge to know how to introduce because it’s counter-intuitive. Putting people first, above your bottom line, is the right thing to do, and it’s also how you build an audience and grow your revenue over time. But you’re not serving just so you can make more money. Some online entrepreneurs have the “buy from me or you’re out” mentality. We have gotten so fixated on an immediate ROI, and we complain about freebie-seekers. If your focus is on making money, that’s not the serve-first way. I’ve regularly had people on my list for twelve to even eighteen months before they buy. I even have people on my list who have never bought from me but have sent their friends or made important introductions. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN IN TODAY’S EPISODE: Why the