Brilliant You Podcast With Janet Zaretsky

20 Grace Judson - How to Navigate the World of Female Leadership



Are the rules different for women in leadership? There are two honest answers to this. Yes and there shouldn’t be. If you’re a powerhouse women in leadership or you have goals to move into leadership, you need to understand how the game works. There is the reality we deal with (that the leadership model is predominantly male) and the fact that the best way to change that is from within. If we want to change the world’s view of what a leader looks like (and this sea change is happening) then more women need to step up and challenge the status quo. But, how do you do that when the deck might be stacked against you? My guest today says that women need to walk a tightrope to make their way into leadership. In today’s world (which again, we’re in the process of changing) women need to find that fine point in the middle between being seen as too weak or soft and being too bossy (or the other b word). And while she’s excited to see the changes coming, she’s spent decades helping women navigate this challenging walk.