Alain Guillot Show | Personal Finance And Entrepreneurship

AG 028 Roger Whitney, The retirement answerman


Sinopsis I first heard about Roger in the Afford Anything Podcast. In this episode, he said: I don't believe in retirement Roger and I are the same age, 51, except that he's better looking than me, and he has more letters after his name. He started his career as a financial advisor in 1991, right at the beginning of the tech boom. He acquired all his superpowers by making lots of mistakes. Roger clientele of preference are those people who are transitioning into retirement or who are already in retirement. Roger didn’t want to be a general practitioner; he found it to be more rewarding to specialize in retirement. At one time in history, people used to work for a company for 40 years and at the end of the 40 years, the person would retire, receive the gold pen or a watch and receive pension checks for the rest of his/her life. There was not such a thing as a financial advisor for retirement. Some people still have that kind of retirement plan, but that’s becoming the exceptio