Alain Guillot Show | Personal Finance And Entrepreneurship

036 Christian Knudsen, conquering LinkedIn


Sinopsis Chief Technology Officer | Director of Sales | Speaker @ Dreamforce 2017  | Consultant | Sales Guru Follow Christian on LinkedIn. Christian has a strong background in Sales and Technolgy. LinkedIn has transformed his career. LinkedIn is a lot more than a platform to look for jobs. LinkedIn is a platform for enablement, it's a place where users build their personal brand. LinkedIn is different from the other social media platforms because it's the platform business people used to share their thoughts and activities. Christian has increased his LinkedIn following from 100 followers to 26,000 in less than one year. The best way to increase your influence is by having constant interaction in the platform. To be influential, It has very little to do with an official job title a person has in an organization and more to do with the value of the content they put out there. If a person puts valuable information, they will have followers and increase their level of inf