Alain Guillot Show | Personal Finance And Entrepreneurship

040 Ed Rempel, Unconventional Wisdom


Sinopsis Ed Rempel from Unconventional Wisdom, is a financial blogger, a fee-for-service financial planner, and a tax accountant. His knowledge comes from helping thousands of Canadians with their financial plans. He creates solutions tailored for each particular client as opposed to a cookie cutter formula used by most of the financial industry. His mission is to help his clients and protect them from the “financial quackery” - sales pitches by unscrupulous financial product pushers more concerned with making a sale than helping a client. His experience includes: 25 years as a fee-for-service financial planner professional. 15 years as a financial blogger 35 years as a tax accountant. Writing comprehensive and personal financial plans for nearly 1,000 families. Helping more than 600 clients follow their financial plans. Managing more than $100 million in investments. We spoke about: "The Fake Financial Plan." Most advisors make their clients answer some questions, input the answ