Alain Guillot Show | Personal Finance And Entrepreneurship

082 Rob Walch; The ins and outs of podcasting


Sinopsis Rob Walch is the VP of Podcaster Relations of Libsyn, the podcasting host for my podcast, the Alain Guillot Podcast. Rob got into podcasting because he was looking for a hobby. The hobby became a passion, the passion overwhelmed him and then it became the career. Rob started podcasting on late 2004, he was doing his podcast out of his own computer server, but he had a high profile guest at his podcast show podCast411 and he was afraid his computer server wasn't going to be able to handle the traffic, so he opened an account with Libsyn on 2005. there is more time to consume audio than there is to consume any other medium of communication. Podcast has been continuously growing throughout the years, one of the main reason is that there is more time to consume audio than there is to consume any other medium of communication. People listen to a podcast while Driving in the car, Working out, Walking the dog, Doing chores around the house People can easily listen to a 30-m